Band Bio

Riff Raff Bios!
Vocals: Anita Miramontes
Lead Guitar: Jesse Trujillo
Rhythm Guitar: Rusty Deadmond
Bass: Calvin Lotz
Drums: Dave Ortz

Jesse Trujillo — Lead Guitar

I’ve been playing lead guitar for 8 years, studying the techniques of Angus Young. I am a picky tone type person, although I don’t like to use any type of pedals or boosts. I like the sound to come as natural as possible. Letting the legendary tone of AC/DC give your ear drums a swift kick in the ass.

I only play Gibson/Epiphone SGs along with Marshall tube amps. It’s truly the sound of Rock N’ Roll. I love high energy. Getting the crowd into the music is a must. Nothing beats getting right in the audience’s face and playing a bluesy rock riff. Music was meant to be played live and played live loud! We’re not doing our job unless your toe is tapping, head is moving and you're singing along. We play and make no excuses if you leave our show — we expect it to feel as if you just left an AC/DC concert!

Anita Miramontes — Lead Vocal

I have been singing professionally for over 30 years (please don’t do the math). Born & raised in MN, I moved to Colorado in '91 to raise my family. When I first heard Bon Scott & AC/DC I was in awe! I had to see if I could somehow try and master that legendary voice; he has forever remained one of my idols. I love the stage, the people, and the rock-n-roll we play.  As Bon once stated, “I’m more in love with Rock and Roll today than other things. It grows, you know?”

 Rusty Deadmond — Rhythm Guitar

A 36-year-old Illinois transplant, Rusty has been playing guitar both semi-professionally & pro bono for over 20 years.  Drawing from a diverse range of influences that include blues, country, punk, & r&b, Rusty has first & foremost been a devout student of the Malcolm Young rhythm method.

Calvin Lotz — Bass

Cal has been playing bass for over 15 years, and brings a strong bottom end to the Riff Raff experience. A student of classic rock and metal, Cal also brings experience from playing in a variety of jazz combos, although his shirts had sleeves at that time. Bass influences include Jaco Pastorius, Cliff Burton, Gary Willis, and Jeff Berlin.

Dave Ortz — Drums

I have been playing drums for 25 years, playing in bands since I was 15. Influences include John Bonham, Keith Moon, Bill Ward, and Phil Rudd, of course. I like to try and give a solid backbeat. Like I say, I drive the bus and decide how fast we go. I like to play loud and AC/DC was meant to be played loud. Like Bon said, "Our music was meant to be played loud and anybody who doesn't like it, I'll kick their teeth down their throat."  Rock on.